Strategic Swiss Partners Announces New Members of the Energy Team
Strategic Swiss Partners Announces New Partners
SWITZERLAND – April 11, 2017 – Strategic Swiss Partners GmbH, today announced the joining of new members of our Energy Team.

Strategic Swiss Partners is expanding our energy practice and is pleased to welcome this team of professionals, Mr. Mota brings over 40 years experience to SSP and will make a valuable contribution to our existing and upcoming projects.
Mr. José Soares Mota, Consultant - Energy (Team Leader)
José Soares Mota has over forty years’ experience in Oil and Gas and has been developing activities of technical consulting and design and supervision of construction of medium and large projects in Oil and Gas (Petroleum Refining, Biofuels, Petrochemicals, Mineral Chemistry) and in the Energy field, namely Combined Cycle Plants and Cogeneration. He has also developed works in the areas of Water Treatment and Effluents, Business Organization, and Maintenance Engineering.José Mota is a graduate in Chemical Engineering and post-graduate in Refining and Petrochemical from IFP, France. He developed his professional career at GalpEnergia, where he achieved the position of General Director of Refining, managing all downstream activities of the Company, position he held until 2002. From then onwards he worked as Senior Consultant for the Company's Management, position he held until 2007, already as a company retiree.Throughout his career he has participated in or directed various Projects for Expansion and Technological Upgrade of the industrial facilities and Construction of new factories (FAR) and was responsible for the preparation of Executive Plans for capacity readjustment and technological upgrading of refinery plants. He has also led various projects and studies, integrated in international strategic partnerships such as that of the Synthetic Crude Oil Production (SCO) from “extra heavy” crude oil in the Orinoco basin.
Dr. Jose Paulo Mota, Consultant - Energy (Oil & Gas)
Jose Paulo Mota holds a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine, University of Lorraine, France, and is a graduate Chemical Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. He developed his professional career at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), where since 2008 he is a Full Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. He is currently the head of the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering division of FCT-UNL and coordinator of its PhD Program. He has published more than 100 scientific papers in peer reviewed international journals in the fields of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy, Thermodynamics, and Colloid and surface science, given ca. 90 oral presentations in international conferences and symposia, and received 10 international awards. He has supervised 13 PhD students and 40 MSc students and in the areas of separation processes, transport phenomena, and process systems engineering. He has produced reference work in gas storage and purification, fluid mixing, enhanced heat transfer, preparative and process-scale chromatography, process design, and process simulation and optimization, with more than 1900 citations. He participates regularly in various activities of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and of the American Chemical Society. He is a former member of thescientific council for science and engineering of the Portuguese National Science Foundation and board of directors of the International Adsorption Society. He serves as member of the scientific committees of the International Adsorption Society and Preparative Symposia in Preparative and Process Scale Chromatography (SPICA). Since 2008, he has been assisting in the management of the Engineering Company created by Jose Soares Mota, with headquarters in Malta, which has been developing activities of technical consulting and design and supervision of construction of medium and large projects in Oil & Gas (Petroleum Refining, Biofuels, Petrochemicals, Mineral Chemistry) and in the Energy field, technical consulting, design and supervision of the construction of Combined Cycle Plants, and Cogeneration for the combined production of Steam and Electric Power. There are also works in the areas of Water Treatment and Effluents, Business Organization, Maintenance Engineering, etc.
Mr. Hugo Branquinho, Consultant - Energy (Oil & Gas)
Hugo Branquinho has extensive experience in Project Management in refinery and fuel systems. Since 2009 he is working in Sonangol Refinery de Luanda. He has a good experience in coordination, various document preparation and calculation. His working activities include: shutdown coordination in the Luanda Refinery, kerosene caustic washing modification, tender preparation, recalculation of major flow metering elements, gas plant unit upgrade coordination, upgrade of the fire main system coordination, gas plant unit upgrade coordination, PFD 's update coordination, operating manuals update, new operator’s training. Hugo Branquinho supported the preparation of the Manual of Design and Construction (BES - Basic Engineering Standards) and the Refining Master Plan (master plan) for Sonangol EP.Prior to working for Sonangol Refinery de Luanda, Hugo Branquinho was a Project Manager in Galp Energia, his work was including: Development of biofuel projects (FAME and 2nd Generation Biodiesel), Development of alternative sources for the production of biodiesel (algae, jatropha, etc.), Wave energy production, offshore wind energy production and Photovoltaic,
Mr. Jose Antonio Da Mota Ferreira Dos Santos, Consultant - Power Utilities
Jose Antonio Da Mota Ferreira Dos Santos graduated as Electrical Engineer in the Industrial Institute of Porto (now ISEP), Portugal in 1968. Throughout his career he attended many qualification courses, trainings and seminars. His recent work experience at PMS – Petro Management & Services, S.A. as a Senior Adviser includes: preparation of building specifications, analysis of proposals and selection of suppliers, monitoring Base Engineering and Detail Engineering, HAZOP and SIL studies participation., monitoring and supervision of construction work and installation. Prior to that he held a position of Assistant Director – Utilities Plant Head Of Petrogal – Petroleos de Portugal, there he was the Head of Thermo Electrical Power Station and Utilities Area, Implemented procedural improvements or operation of various facilities in order to improve its efficiency, handled the human resources management, performed as analyst of the respective proposals and selection of suppliers at Cogeneration Plant Porto Refinery.
Jose Paulo Pinto Moreira Barbosa, Consultant - Energy (Oil & Gas)
Jose Paulo Pinto Moreira Barbosa completed studies of the Electrical and Machine Engineering course at ISEP (Oporto Superior Institute of Engineering) and CESE (higher engineering specialization course) – Production Management and fluent on English and French languages. His recent professional activity includes Assembly of a combined cycle plant ,supervision of equipment under construction, supervision of pipe assembly, static and dynamic equipment, quality control in Angola, Sonangol – Luanda’s Refinery. Prior to that he was involved into various refineries’ Master Plan development, such as: Sines refinery, Refinery of Matosinhos, his major roles in this were: to accompany all HDC construction work, to consult the project managers in other areas regarding the assembly of equipment and piping, analysis of the construction project, monitoring and supervision of the construction works, cost control. Also Jose Paulo Pinto Moreira Barbosa was Assembly of four pumps in the fire fighting system on the Leixoes oil terminal, where he provided a professional quality and cost control services. Jose Paulo Pinto Moreira Barbosa, on a regular basis attends proessional seminars and forums, such as: APQ's "Quality Management" course, Materials 89 IV National Meeting of SPM, World Congress of Non-Destructive Testing in Amsterdam, etc..
About Strategic Swiss Partners
Strategic Swiss Partners Group is a leading boutique management & financial advisory firm with multiple years of industry experience of both initiating new and enhancing existing business opportunities and investments. Headquartered in Switzerland with sub offices in Malaysia and the UAE, SSP brings world-class expertise in business with a valuable understanding of the current and future status of the economy, transforming this knowledge into profitable investments. We deliver solutions to our clients with optimum investment performance by realizing the full potential of the market through our integrated platform. The leaders behind SSP built the group on the sound business philosophy of engaging strategies across a wide selection of current and future investments using unique methods developed by in-house expertise and through its far-reaching network
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8001 Zürich, SWITZERLAND
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